

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,福布斯(Forbes)公布2020年全球收入最高男演员(The Highest-Paid Actors Of 2020)榜单前10名,其中收入最高的是道恩·强森(Dwayne Johnson)达8750万美元,成龙(Jackie Chan)4000万美元,位列第十。

How Netflix Bankrolled The Highest-Paid Actors Of 2020 (Forbes)


Highest-paid actors of 2020: Dwayne Johnson is No. 1, again


Dwayne Johnson is still on top.

The action star is the No. 1 highest-paid actor on Forbes' annual list, for the second year in a row. But this time, he's not joined by four Marvel Avengers in the top ten, as he was last year.

Many of the new class of top-earners got a chunk of their big paychecks from Netflix and other streaming services. Forbes' payday estimates reflect earnings between June 1, 2019, and June 1, 2020. The list of highest-paid female actors, which Scarlett Johansson led with $56 million last year, will be out next month.

Here's a look at who's on the list and what they made:

Dwayne Johnson

Earnings estimate: $87.5 million

Along with cashing a huge check for his Netflix film "Red Notice" – Forbes reports it was worth $23.5 million – Johnson is still selling his successful Under Armour line, complete with shoes, clothes and headphones. The big checks will keep coming in, as he plans to make his DC superhero debut.

Ryan Reynolds

Earnings estimate: $71.5 million

Forbes reports that Reynolds made more than $20 million for each of his recent Netflix films, "Six Underground" and "Red Notice." It's no wonder he offered a huge reward for a lost teddy bear.

Mark Wahlberg

Earnings estimate: $58 million

Wahlberg has made millions producing the series "McMillions" and "Wahl Street." He had a big Netflix movie in the past year, too: "Spenser Confidential."

Ben Affleck

Earnings estimate: $55 million

After a brief hiatus, Affleck returned to the big screen this year, starring in The Way Back and Netflix's The Last Thing He Wanted.

Vin Diesel

Earnings estimate: $54 million

The F9 star missed out on the chance to collect a massive back-end payday this year after the film’s release was pushed to April 2021. He kept the franchise embers burning by acting as producer on the animated Netflix series Fast & Furious Spy Races.

Akshay Kumar

Earnings estimate: $48.5 million

The Bollywood star has plenty of endorsement deals and is also starring in an Amazon Prime series called "The End." He also made last year's list.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Earnings estimate: $45.5 million

Forbes reports that much of Miranda's earnings comes from Disney buying the rights to his Broadway production of "Hamilton," which is now streaming on Disney Plus. The movie adaptation of his Broadway show "In the Heights" is out next year.

Will Smith

Earnings estimate: $44.5 million

The Fresh Prince can still earn big checks for lead parts, such as his upcoming role in King Richard, in which he portrays Richard Williams, father of tennis greats Serena and Venus.

Adam Sandler

Earnings estimate: $41 million

Although he isn't a box-office draw like the others on the list and his independent film "Uncut Gems" didn't earn him a giant check, Sandler's been successful on Netflix since signing a four-film deal for $250 million in 2014, Forbes reports. His film "Murder Mystery" was popular on the streamer this year.

Jackie Chan

Earnings estimate: $40 million

The movie legend had endorsements, licensing deals and five movies in the past year.

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Highest-paid actors of 2020: Dwayne Johnson is No. 1, again


Dwayne Johnson is still on top.

道恩·强森(Dwayne Johnson)依然位居榜首。

The action star is the No. 1 highest-paid actor on Forbes' annual list, for the second year in a row. But this time, he's not joined by four Marvel Avengers in the top ten, as he was last year.


Many of the new class of top-earners got a chunk of their big paychecks from Netflix and other streaming services. Forbes' payday estimates reflect earnings between June 1, 2019, and June 1, 2020. The list of highest-paid female actors, which Scarlett Johansson led with $56 million last year, will be out next month.

新一轮的榜单中,许多演员的大笔薪水都是从Netflix和其他流媒体服务中获得的。福布斯的薪资估计反映的是2019年6月1日至2020年6月1日之间的收入。去年斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)以5600万美元领衔的收入最高女演员榜单将于下月出炉。


chunk /tʃʌŋk/ 表示“大块;厚块;一部分;(尤指)大部分,一大块”,英文解释为“a roughly cut piece;a part of something, especially a large part如:a chunk of cheese 一大块奶酪,a chunk of meat 一大块肉,a chunk of text 一大段文字,a substantial chunk of profits 利润的很大一部分。

🎬电影《冰河世纪4:大陆漂移》(Ice Age: Continental Drift)中的台词提到:Now get this chunk of ice seaworthy by sundown 太阳下山前把这块浮冰给我找来。


表示“工资支票;工薪”,英文解释为“Your paycheque is a piece of paper that your employer gives you as your wages or salary, and which you can then cash at a bank. You can also use paycheque as a way of referring to your wages or salary.”

Here's a look at who's on the list and what they made:


Dwayne Johnson 道恩·强森

Earnings estimate: $87.5 million


Along with cashing a huge check for his Netflix film "Red Notice" – Forbes reports it was worth $23.5 million – Johnson is still selling his successful Under Armour line, complete with shoes, clothes and headphones. The big checks will keep coming in, as he plans to make his DC superhero debut.

cash a check

cash作动词,表示“兑现”,英文解释为“to exchange a cheque, etc. for cash”举个🌰:

Would you cash a cheque for me?


📍check (美式)= cheque(英式)指的是“支票”(a printed form that you can write on and sign as a way of paying for sth instead of using money)


单单一个“成功”大家都知道,大获成功,获得成功的,看似没有什么特别的,但如果你看英文解释,“having achieved a lot, become popular, and/or made a lot of money”,就会发现successful还有“赚了很多钱”的含义,可以解释为大受欢迎的;非常赚钱的,举个🌰:

She runs a very successful computer business.


The company has had another successful year.


complete with

相当于including,表示“包括,含有(额外部分或特征)”,英文解释为“including sth as an extra part or feature”举个🌰:

The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly.


The book, complete with CD, costs ¥24.


🎬电影《飞屋环游记》(Up)中的台词提到:Complete with doggy bath and mechanical canlne walker. 装备了狗狗洗澡机和跑步机。


表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


Ryan Reynolds 瑞安·雷诺兹

Earnings estimate: $71.5 million


Forbes reports that Reynolds made more than $20 million for each of his recent Netflix films, "Six Underground" and "Red Notice." It's no wonder he offered a huge reward for a lost teddy bear.


In July, the streamer announced it was shelling out for a third Reynolds film, which will undoubtedly mean another eight-figure payday.

shell out

表示“付(一大笔钱)”,英文解释为“If you shell out for something, you spend a lot of money on it.”举个🌰:

You won't have to shell out a fortune for it.


📺美剧《侠胆雄狮》(Beauty and the Beast)第一季中的台词提到:He's just found out the department has to shell out for a new spectrometer. 他刚刚发现警局得置备新的质谱检测仪。

Mark Wahlberg 马克·沃尔伯格

Earnings estimate: $58 million


Wahlberg has made millions producing the series "McMillions" and "Wahl Street." He had a big Netflix movie in the past year, too: "Spenser Confidential."


Ben Affleck 本·阿弗莱克

Earnings estimate: $55 million


After a brief hiatus, Affleck returned to the big screen this year, starring in The Way Back and Netflix's The Last Thing He Wanted.

在经历了短暂的休整之后,阿弗莱克在今年重返大银幕,主演了《回归之路》(The Way Back)和Netflix的《父亲的遗愿》(The Last Thing He Wanted)。


hiatus /haɪˈeɪtəs/ 表示“间歇;空隙;间断;停滞”,英文解释为“A hiatus is a pause in which nothing happens, or a gap where something is missing.”

🎬电影《模范贱兄弟》(Role Models)中的台词提到:Well, I'm kind of on hiatus right now,我现在暂时休息中。

📍组合解散/休团/停歇?时,多有媒体会用这个词hiatus,比如,英国单向组合(One Direction)解散后拟于7月份十周年之际重聚,“自解散后”媒体就用的,since their hiatus.

Vin Diesel 范·迪塞尔

Earnings estimate: $54 million


The F9 star missed out on the chance to collect a massive back-end payday this year after the film's release was pushed to April 2021. He kept the franchise embers burning by acting as producer on the animated Netflix series Fast & Furious Spy Races.

miss out

表示“错失享乐(或获利)的机会”,英文解释为“to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something”举个🌰:

Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:and he mustn't miss out on his course. 他不能错过课程。


franchise /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ 这个词经常出现,最常见的意思与“特许经营权”有关,既可以作可数名词,又可以做及物动词。作可数名词时具体表示“(公司授予某人的)特许经营权”,英文解释为“A franchise is an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls.”比如:建造、运营隧道的特许权 the franchise to build and operate the tunnel,fast-food franchises 快餐特许经营权。

作及物动词时具体表示“出售…的特许经营权”,英文解释为“If a company franchises its business, it sells franchises to other companies, allowing them to sell its goods or services.”举个🌰:
She has recently franchised her business.

它还有另外意思,可以表示“选举权”,用作不可数名词,英文解释为“Franchise is the right to vote in an election.”也有“职业运动队”(a professional sports team)的意思。


表示“余烬”,英文解释为“The embers of a fire are small pieces of wood or coal that remain and glow with heat after the fire has finished burning.”

Akshay Kumar 阿克谢·库玛尔

Earnings estimate: $48.5 million


The Bollywood star has plenty of endorsement deals and is also starring in an Amazon Prime series called "The End." He also made last year's list.

这位宝莱坞明星有很多代言合约,还在亚马逊Prime系列中主演了一部名为《The End》的电视剧。他也入选了去年的榜单。

endorsement deals

endorsement deals 代言协议,endorsement可以表示“(名人在广告中对某一产品的)宣传,代言”,英文解释为“a statement made in an advertisement, usually by sb famous or important, saying that they use and like a particular product”如:commercial endorsements 商业代言。

Lin-Manuel Miranda 林-曼努尔·米兰达

Earnings estimate: $45.5 million


Forbes reports that much of Miranda's earnings comes from Disney buying the rights to his Broadway production of "Hamilton," which is now streaming on Disney Plus. The movie adaptation of his Broadway show "In the Heights" is out next year.

《福布斯》报道称,米兰达的大部分收入来自于迪士尼买下了他的百老汇作品《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)的版权,该剧现在已经在迪士尼Plus上播放。他的百老汇剧《身在高地》(In the Heights)的电影改编版将于明年推出。

Will Smith 威尔·史密斯

Earnings estimate: $44.5 million


The Fresh Prince can still earn big checks for lead parts, such as his upcoming role in King Richard, in which he portrays Richard Williams, father of tennis greats Serena and Venus.

“新鲜王子”作为主演仍赚了不少钱,例如他即将在《国王理查德》(King Richard)中扮演网球名将塞丽娜(Serena)和维纳斯(Venus)的父亲理查德·威廉姆斯(Richard Williams)。


熟词僻义,表示“主角,主演”,英文解释为“the main part or actor in a film or play”。


熟词僻义,通常表示“描绘,描写”,此处指的是“扮演(某角色)”,英文解释为“to act a particular role in a film/movie or play”举个🌰:

Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery.



作名词,表示“伟人,大人物,名人”,英文解释为“a famous person in a particular area of activity”,如:one of the all-time greats of the cinema 有史以来最伟大的电影巨擘之一。

Adam Sandler 亚当·桑德勒

Earnings estimate: $41 million


Although he isn't a box-office draw like the others on the list and his independent film "Uncut Gems" didn't earn him a giant check, Sandler's been successful on Netflix since signing a four-film deal for $250 million in 2014, Forbes reports. His film "Murder Mystery" was popular on the streamer this year.

据《福布斯》报道,虽然他不像榜单上的其他人那样吸引票房,而且他的独立电影《原钻》(Uncut Gems)也没有为他带来巨额收入,但自从2014年以2.5亿美元的价格签下四部电影的合约后,桑德勒在Netflix上大获成功。他的电影《谋杀疑案》(Murder Mystery)今年在该流媒体上很受欢迎。

Jackie Chan 成龙

Earnings estimate: $40 million


The movie legend had endorsements, licensing deals and five movies in the past year.



表示“(尤指某领域中的)传奇人物”,英文解释为“a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people”,如:a jazz/tennis legend 爵士乐/网球的传奇人物。



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